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Tuesday, Mar 14 2017

American Bridge Polling Of Obama/Trump Voters On The Trump Agenda

Mar 14, 2017

American Bridge is today releasing new polling conducted by Anzalone Liszt Grove Research that focuses on  voters who approved of President Obama’s record and successes but supported Trump in November’s election (“Obama/Trump” voters).  The data shows that Democrats are well positioned to win back those Obama/Trump voters in 2018 and 2020, particularly thanks to the debate over the controversial Republican healthcare plan to repeal the ACA.

The polling shows that out of more than dozen items from Trump’s agenda that were tested, the three most concerning elements of Trump’s policies for the Obama/Trump voters were:

•  Repealing the Affordable Care Act, causing millions Americans to lose their healthcare coverage.
•  De-funding Planned Parenthood.
•  Prioritizing tax cuts for the wealthy over those making $50,000 or less.

Together, all three represent the crux of the Trumpcare legislation that is currently making its way through Congress.

Other key findings include:

•  Trump’s plans to repeal Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood, and slash taxes for the wealthiest Americans are the top issues for Obama/Trump voters;
•  By a 20% margin, voters viewed Obamacare favorably (58% favorable; 38% unfavorable);
•  By an 11% margin, voters opposed defunding Planned Parenthood (53% oppose; 42% support); and,
•  Half of voters think Trump is too close to Russia.

The polling memo is available here.

American Bridge Chairman David Brock issued the following statement on the polling’s release:

“The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare is a disaster that is going to be a political liability in 2018. Bigly. Republicans hell bent on taking away healthcare coverage from millions just to cut taxes for a few millionaires are going to pay the price.”

Published: Mar 14, 2017

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