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Wednesday, Sep 27 2017

American Bridge Memo Corrects Wagner Pollster's Claim He Has "No Negatives"

Sep 27, 2017

This morning, American Bridge sent an open memo to Scott Wagner’s campaign pollster Rob Schmidt, correcting his recent claim that Wagner has “virtually no negatives.” In the same statement, Schmidt also calls Wagner the “clear frontrunner in the Republican primary for Governor,” which makes him something like the head clown of the circus into which this primary has devolved.

American Bridge Spokesperson Lizzy Price made the following statement:
“Scott Wagner’s campaign staff are either delusional or afraid to tell their temperental boss the truth. We’re betting it’s the latter.”
TO: Rob Schmidt, McLaughlin & Associates
CC: Scott Wagner for Governor Campaign Team
FROM: Lizzy Price, American Bridge 21st Century
RE: Scott Wagner’s Negatives
I am writing to correct an error in your September 22 memo to the Wagner campaign, in which you write that Sen. Wagner has “virtually no negatives.” In fact, he has many.
For the sake of brevity I have included only five:
  • Using Anti-Semitic Rhetoric. Wagner was recently caught on tape blaming his political problems on a “Hungarian Jew” with a “hatred for America.” Fortunately for Wagner, he was pulled away before he could say more. Anti-Semitic rantings are a negative.
  • Besties with Steve Bannon. Wagner recently buddied up with and received an endorsement from Steve Bannon, the former Trump adviser who allegedly didn’t want his children to attend a school with Jewish people and who oversaw Breitbart news when it called a columnist a “renegade Jew.” Anti-Semitism and ties to the alt-right and white nationalists are all negatives.
  • Blatantly Lying About Climate Change. In March, Wagner made national news when he attributed climate change to the “rotation of the earth” and heat coming off human bodies. Politifact rated the claims false, and John Oliver skewered him for it. Getting caught lying about climate change is a negative.
  • Physically Assaulting People At Campaign Events. At a campaign event this year, Wagner physically confronted an American Bridge employee peacefully recording the event, and took the employee’s camera. Physically attacking someone is a negative.
  • Comparing Unions To Stalin and Hitler. Wagner said, “Unions are about power and control. And there are two things that I want to remember about power and control. There was a gentleman by the name of Hitler, and a gentleman by the name of Putin, who is across the ocean, about power and control.” Comparing hard working Pennsylvanians to Stalin and Hitler is a negative.

Published: Sep 27, 2017

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