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Friday, Aug 4 2017

American Bridge Launches Website Targeting 15 Vulnerable House Members

Aug 04, 2017

“GOP Pickpockets” Will Highlight GOP’s Healthcare and Economic Policies
that Hurt Middle Class Families

While Republicans in Congress are out of town on their August vacations, today American Bridge is launching a digital campaign targeting 15 vulnerable members of Congress, holding them accountable for their votes that hurt middle class families’ pocketbooks, starting with their votes to hurt their constituents’ health care. 

The campaign, titled “Grand Old Pickpockets,” includes video ads and a website, and will target swing voters through Labor Day.

Click here to view the website and American Bridge’s original research. 

All parts of the campaign feature Republicans as reckless politicians who steal from the middle class. They will run in competitive congressional districts across 9 states and target 15 Republican incumbents: Reps. Jack Bergman, Tim Walberg, Fred Upton, Mike Bishop and Dave Trott in Michigan; Reps. Diaz-Balart and Brian Mast in Florida; Reps. Mike Gallagher and Paul Ryan in Wisconsin; Rep. Barbara Comstock in Virginia; Rep. Martha McSally in Arizona; Rep. Darrell Issa in California; Rep. Bruce Poliquin in Maine; Rep. Will Hurd in Texas; and Rep. Rod Blum in Iowa.

“From their votes to decimate health care for millions of Americans, to their protection of corporations that ship jobs overseas, Republicans in Congress have voted repeatedly to take money out of the pockets of hardworking American families. Count on Democrats to hold them accountable this recess, and at the ballot box in 2018,” said American Bridge President Jessica Mackler.

An example of the ads that will run in targeted districts (featuring Rep. Darrell Issa):

See example ad here.

Published: Aug 4, 2017

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