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News Wednesday, Apr 25 2018

American Bridge Launches New Ad, “Steve Pearce’s The Misogynist Tale”

Apr 25, 2018

American Bridge launched a new digital ad today highlighting Republican candidate for NewMexico Governor Steve Pearce’s backwards views on women. The ad, titled “The MisogynistTale,” highlights Steve Pearce’s vision for a New Mexico where wives “voluntarily submit” to their husbands as “a matter of obedience.” Those aren’t our words — they’re Steve Pearce’s.The launch coincides with today’s premier of Season 2 of Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale, a fictional portrayal of a dystopian society where women are viewed as property and subjects to men.

But Pearce’s antiquated views on the role of women in society don’t stop there. He said he opposes equal pay for equal work legislation because if “women will stand their ground, we’re so short of employees coming up, that they will get their just rewards – because we need the people.” Pearce said providing women contraception “attacks the very concept of what it is to be American.” He even compared abortion to slavery.

“Sadly these misogynistic ideas aren’t from a fictional television show, they’re Steve Pearce’s backwards vision for New Mexico,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “If Steve Pearce had his way, wives would submit to their husbands, women would continue to be paid less than men, and a woman’s right to choose would be eliminated. This November, NewMexico voters will send Steve Pearce’s outdated views on women to the dustbins of history where they belong.”

The 60-second ad begins running in New Mexico on Facebook and Instagram today.


Watch the ad here.


Published: Apr 25, 2018

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