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Monday, Aug 2 2021

American Bridge Joins Pro-White House Groups in August Recess Push

Aug 02, 2021

A new report from the Associated Press details how progressive pro-White House groups – including American Bridge 21st Century – are planning to spend nearly $100 million dollars during the August recess to amplify the accomplishments of the Biden-Harris administration and Democratic majorities amid the economic and health crisis posed by COVID-19. 

Most recently, American Bridge announced a new seven figure investment in ArizonaPennsylvania, and Georgia that focuses on the families, small businesses, and women who have been benefited from provisions like the middle class tax cut found in President Biden’s American Rescue Plan. These TV, digital and radio ad buys target a diverse group of women voters who will decide the 2022 midterms, and are on top of a previously announced nine figure investment in VirginiaGeorgiaPennsylvania, and Arizona.

In addition to our paid media efforts, American Bridge 21st Century will support the pro-Biden war room by leveraging our capacity as the largest opposition research hub within the Democratic Party to help our partners and allies in this effort hold Republicans accountable during the August recess. 

The Associated Press: Pro-Biden groups to spend $100 million on August ad blitz

By: Jonathan Lemire | August 2, 2021

Key Points:

  • An array of progressive and pro-White House groups plans to spend nearly $100 million to promote President Joe Biden’s agenda over the next month to pressure Congress while lawmakers are on their August recess.
  • The push being announced Monday, coupled with a wave of travel by the president’s top surrogates, is meant to promote and secure passage of Biden’s two-track infrastructure plan: a bipartisan package focused on highways, transit and broadband, and a Democrats-only budget reconciliation bill for child care and what the White House calls human infrastructure.
  • An outside coalition of progressive organizations launched a war room and is planning to host over 1,000 events and actions over the next six weeks, The Associated Press learned. The goal, officials said, was to bombard the home districts of members of Congress with ads — both televised and digital — to keep the pressure on to follow through on their votes as well as to underscore much of the agenda’s popularity with the public.
  • “Progressive groups are going on the offense as we lead into August recess,” said Danielle Melfi, executive director of Build Back Together, an outside group supportive of the president. “We know there is a groundswell of support and we want to show members that while they are back home in their districts.”
  • “We’re going to use the August recess to build on (support for the president’s plan) by launching a massive push in every corner of the country,” said White House spokesman Mike Gwin, “to make the case directly to all Americans on why this agenda is going to benefit them and their families through lower costs for everyday expenses, tax cuts, and greater economic opportunity.”

Read the full report here.

Published: Aug 2, 2021

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