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Monday, Jan 9 2023

American Bridge Files Ethics Complaint Over George Santos Falsified Financial Disclosures

Jan 09, 2023

WASHINGTON – Today, American Bridge 21st Century filed an ethics complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE), asking the agency to investigate Representative George Santos for allegedly falsifying his financial disclosure reports. The Ethics in Government Act requires that candidates for federal office truthfully disclose their financial interests, including those that may conflict with their official duties.

OCE complaints may only be filed against a sitting member of Congress. Representative George Santos was sworn in early Saturday morning. You can read our complaint online here.

American Bridge President Pat Dennis released the following statement:

“George Santos’ lies could fill a CVS receipt. But the American people deserve to know how he was able to finance his congressional campaign, and who was writing the checks. Santos should be held accountable for falsifying his financial records to protect his mysterious donors and breach public trust.”

Published: Jan 9, 2023

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