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Friday, Jan 4 2019

American Bridge Calls on Ralph Abraham to Donate Fundraiser Proceeds to Louisianans Hurt by Shutdown

Jan 04, 2019

As the federal government shutdown approaches the end of week 2, Louisiana families are beginning to feel the economic consequences.

For example, due to the shutdown:

  •  6,000 Louisianans working for federal agencies are currently going without pay.


  •  40,000 Louisiana residents could lose their flood insurance.

But while Louisiana families face the harmful consequences of not knowing when they’ll get their next paycheck or if their flood insurance will be renewed, as usual, Congressman Ralph Abraham is only focused on one person: himself.

During the first week of the shutdown, Congressman Abraham held a high-dollar fundraiser for his floundering campaign for Louisiana Governor. That’s right. While Louisiana families faced the uncertainty over the holidays of not knowing when their next paycheck would come, Congressman Abraham was hobnobbing with wealthy campaign donors and collecting campaign contributions for himself.

“Congressman Abraham should be concerned with getting his constituents their paychecks, not collecting his campaign checks,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Since it’s clear Congressman Abraham isn’t interested in ending this pointless shutdown, the least he can do is donate the money from his glitzy fundraiser to Louisiana families who are struggling thanks to him.”

Published: Jan 4, 2019

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