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Thursday, Mar 19 2020

American Bridge Calls on Kelly Loeffler to Resign For Violating Public Trust

Mar 19, 2020

Shortly after a devastating report on Senator Richard Burr dumping stock at a profit days before the stock market plummeted, Daily Beast broke the news tonight that unelected Senator Kelly Loeffler dumped a massive amount of stock almost immediately after a private, “all Senators” briefing on the coronavirus. 

The Daily Beast report also noted that while selling millions of stocks in her portfolio, Loeffler also purchased “between $100,000 and $250,000 in Citrix, a technology company that offers teleworking software and which has seen a small bump in its stock price since Loeffler bought in as a result of coronavirus-induced market turmoil.” 

“Republican Senators are mining classified briefings on a global health crisis for stock tips to benefit their own portfolios,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Senator Loeffler has barely been in the Senate long enough to grab a cup of coffee, yet she’s already using the office to enrich herself. She has violated the public’s trust and cannot continue to serve. She must resign immediately.”

Published: Mar 19, 2020 | Last Modified: May 28, 2020

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