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Tuesday, Aug 30 2016

American Bridge 21st Century & WOMEN VOTE! Release “Women Know Better”

Aug 30, 2016

Las Vegas, NV— This week, American Bridge 21st Century and Emily’s List’s WOMEN VOTE! are releasing a new digital ad highlighting Donald Trump and Mike Pence’s insulting views on working moms, sexual harassment in the workplace, women serving in the military, equal pay, and reproductive freedom.

The 0:60 second digital ad titled, “Women Know Better” launches in Nevada today, before going nationwide on several social media platforms, following the Republican  presidential and vice-president nominees on the campaign trail this week.

Below are remarks about the new ad:

“I’m surprised Donald Trump can still shock me with his despicable anti-women remarks,” said Jessica Mackler, President of American Bridge 21st Century. “Even though he has degraded women again and again on the campaign trail, and proven himself to be an out-of-touch misogynist, it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that his running mate, Mike Pence, has the same views as Trump. In fact, it’s what the entire Republican Party has become. Trump and Pence would be a disaster for women and working families.”

“The Trump-Pence ticket is the worst ticket we’ve ever seen for women and families across this country,” said EMILY’s List Executive Director Jessica O’Connell. “Donald Trump has launched offensive, disparaging attacks at women—from calling them ‘fat pigs’ and ‘slobs,’ to defending sexual harassment in the workplace, to saying women should be punished for having an abortion. And to make matters worse, he picked a running mate with just as many anti-woman policies to match. Women in Nevada and across this country can’t afford to elect a ticket that wants to overturn Roe v. Wade, defund Planned Parenthood, and launch disastrous anti-immigration policies—all while leaving hardworking families behind.”


Published: Aug 30, 2016

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