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Sunday, Dec 19 2021

American Bridge 21st Century Statement on the Build Back Better Act Negotiations

Dec 19, 2021

Today, American Bridge 21st Century President Jessica Floyd released the following statement on the ongoing Build Back Better Act negotiations:

“President Biden’s Build Back Better Act will significantly lower costs for middle-class families across this country. Its climate change provisions will help ensure a future for our children and our planet. Its plans to strengthen affordable health care and lower the cost of prescription drugs guarantee families don’t go broke choosing between rent or a trip to the doctor. And the Child Tax Credit will give a historic tax cut for the parents who need it most.”

“Time and time again, while Republicans have sat on the sideline cashing checks from their billionaire corporate backers, Democrats have delivered for everyday Americans. This time will be no different. American Bridge 21st Century remains laser-focused on communicating to voters that Democrats are fighting for them, without the support of a single congressional Republican.”


Published: Dec 19, 2021 | Last Modified: Dec 21, 2021

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