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Tuesday, Mar 26 2024

American Bridge 21st Century Statement on RFK Jr. Announcement

Mar 26, 2024

After spending weeks floating numerous unqualified names such as New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rogers as potential running mates, RFK Jr. today officially announced an unqualified person as his running mate.

In response to RFK Jr.’s announcement, American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Brandon Weathersby released the following statement: 

“Nothing says ‘Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is desperate for money to fund his latest vanity project’ like tapping a running mate with even less political experience than him and even fewer helpful ideas to improve the lives of the American people.

“Nicole Shanahan’s millions of dollars and her billionaire friends in Silicon Valley aren’t going to keep voters from learning about Kennedy’s anti-choice record, his support for Russia, and the years he has spent selling snake oil and spewing dangerous lies about health care to vulnerable Americans.

“This ticket has zero chance of winning in November, but it is another way for Kennedy to profit off his famous last name. The only beneficiaries from this quixotic campaign are Kennedy’s bank account, the Trump campaign, and Vladimir Putin.”

Published: Mar 26, 2024 | Last Modified: Apr 4, 2024

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