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Monday, Jul 10 2023

American Bridge 21st Century Statement On Carpetbagger’s Entry Into The NVSEN Republican Primary

Jul 10, 2023

Today, following Sam Brown’s entry into the lackluster 2024 Nevada Republican U.S. Senate primary, American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Aidan Johnson released the following statement:

“Sam Brown spent the entirety of the 2022 Republican primary running against the Washington insiders who are now backing his campaign. He bemoans career politicians but has run three times in two different states in the last ten years. Nevadans aren’t going to gamble a Senate seat on a DC-carpetbagger who is hellbent on banning abortion, overturning elections, and stripping away their fundamental freedoms.”

Published: Jul 10, 2023 | Last Modified: Jul 11, 2023

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