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Tuesday, May 10 2022

American Bridge 21st Century Launches Research Hub To Expose Anti-Choice Republicans 

May 10, 2022

Largest Research Organization in Progressive Politics Launches, Recruits Influencers to Drive Message on Republicans Restricting Abortion Rights  

Today, American Bridge 21st Century, the largest research and tracking operation in Democratic and progressive politics, announced the launch of a new website: will serve as a centralized research hub, containing tracking footage and information on Republicans at every elected level who have taken positions to end abortion access and restrict reproductive rights and health care options. will serve as a vital resource for allies in the fight to protect abortion access and reproductive health care by exposing anti-choice legislators and holding them accountable at the ballot box. It will house not only opposition research on anti-choice U.S. Senate, gubernatorial, and attorney general targets, but will also include research on down-ballot candidates in GOP-led states where reproductive rights are at most risk. Much of the tracking footage was obtained by American Bridge affiliated trackers who have been working to get candidates on the record on their anti-abortion views since early 2021. 

“The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is not only unpopular — it will cost lives. American Bridge is shining a light on Republicans’ dangerous positions on abortion and helping voters see where their elected leaders and the candidates on their ballots sit on this plan to end the right to bodily autonomy that has protected women in this country for nearly 50 years. From statehouses to the halls of Congress, each and every Republican needs to be held accountable for the role they played in ending reproductive freedom in this country.” said American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair Cecile Richards.

Additionally, American Bridge’s influencer outreach program which was reported first by People Magazine, will utilize pro-choice celebrities and micro-influencers to deliver messages about the Republican Party’s work to eliminate abortion rights through our multi-million dollar midterm advertising campaign targeting women voters, announced earlier this year. Influencers with significant followings in key swing states will curate organic messaging and social media content to promote in an effort to educate swing voters and draw attention to Republicans who are in favor of overturning Roe in 2022, 2024, and beyond.


Published: May 10, 2022 | Last Modified: May 18, 2022

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