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Monday, Oct 17 2022

American Bridge 21st Century Builds Out Presidential Research Team Ahead of 2024 GOP Primary Battle

Oct 17, 2022

American Bridge’s presidential research team is readying for 2024 earlier than ever before. The 2024 GOP primary field promises to be the most extreme, messy, and radical in US history — and American Bridge is already working to hold, what could be a crowded and highly competitive field, accountable long before they have even announced their campaigns.

Already, American Bridge presidential research efforts consist of more than a dozen research staffers, including media monitoring and tracking in key primary states. 

Our presidential targets include: Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Kristi Noem, Tim Scott, Larry Hogan, Liz Cheney, among others. Learn more about our presidential targets here. American Bridge’s research team has already been at work for months shaping the conversation surrounding our targets. Key examples include: 

American Bridge’s presidential team has a track record of successfully holding Donald Trump and GOP candidates accountable. In 2020, American Bridge’s Trump Research Book was the organization’s most utilized tool—providing a comprehensive resource for reporters, allies, and members of the general public to access information on Trump’s litany of scandals, shady business deals, and dangerous policies.

At the helm of American Bridge’s 2024 presidential research operation is Presidential Research Director Julie Alderman Boudreau. Prior to her time at Bridge, Julie led advocacy research at Planned Parenthood Action Fund, where she launched the group’s first dedicated anti-disinformation team. Julie is also an alumna of the League of Conservation Voters and Media Matters. Julie has a BA in Political Communication from The George Washington University. 

Julie is joined by Deputy Presidential Research Directors Aaron Carlson and Joe O’Connell. 

Prior to his role as Deputy Presidential Research Director, Aaron Carlson was a researcher for the American Bridge 21st Century Trump War Room, a researcher for the Democratic National Committee, and is a Clinton 2016 alum. Carlson received a BA from the University of Minnesota in Political Science. 

Joe O’Connell, a deputy presidential research director, most recently was a senior researcher for corporate and government watchdog agency He also worked on now New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s congressional campaign in 2012 and on the DSCC’s research team during the 2018 cycle. He has a MA in Political Science, as well as a BA in Media Study, from SUNY Buffalo.

In February, American Bridge launched Bridge to Democracy – an eight figure research program targeting far right elections administrators who will seek to overturn elections they don’t like. American Bridge will provide the infrastructure for Democrats at every level to fight back.

Our core targets for this project include secretaries of state, attorneys general, governors, county boards of supervisors and boards of canvassers, state supreme courts and judicial races, and state legislators across 12 states where a fair election is vital for a democratic and legitimate 2024 presidential fight.

Published: Oct 17, 2022 | Last Modified: Jan 5, 2023

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