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Monday, Oct 2 2023

Ahead of 1-On-1 Interview, Daniel Cameron Still Can’t Get his Answer Straight on Where He Stands on The Issue of Abortion

Oct 02, 2023

“If our legislature was to bring legislation before me…”

“If the courts made us change that law…”

“meaning the court or somebody made a judgment, that we had to add exceptions…”

Ahead of tonight’s 30-minute sit down with Spectrum News, Kentucky Gubernatorial GOP nominee Daniel Cameron is still trying to trick Kentucky voters into believing that he does not believe in the near-total abortion ban he has couched his candidacy on. That’s a lie.

Up until the past few weeks, Cameron had taken an unapologetic stance on the issue and has been campaigning on his defense of the commonwealth’s near-total abortion ban, which makes no exceptions for rape or incest. But after a flurry of news stories, including signing onto a questionnaire agreeing to the premise that the morning-after pill and other forms of birth control should be banned, Cameron has been trying to tell whoever he is talking to what he thinks they want to hear.

See Cameron’s continuous flip-flopping below:

September 18th, 2023: “If our legislature was to bring legislation before me that provided exceptions for rape and incest, I would sign that legislation.”

September 27th, 2023: “It wouldn’t be me, proactively…If the courts made us change that law and add those [exceptions for rape and incest], of course i would sign that because i would have to…”

September 29th, 2023: “But if the law in the intervening period was to change, meaning the court or somebody made a judgment, that we had to add exceptions, and our legislature put those in, of course, I would sign it.”

The Democratic nominee has run two brutal ads against Cameron detailing just how dangerous his defense of Kentucky’s near-total abortion ban really is. One comes from a county prosecutor, who details that Cameron believes that nine year-old rape victims should be forced to give birth and that rapists should have more rights than their underage victims. The second ad came soon after Cameron’s initial flip-flop. The direct to camera features the moving testimonial of Hadley, who at the age of 12 was raped by her stepfather. She blasts Cameron for believing that as a 12 year old, she should have been forced to carry the pregnancy to term.

Published: Oct 2, 2023 | Last Modified: Oct 4, 2023

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