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Friday, May 11 2018

Adam Laxalt in Damage Control Over Ties to Alleged Rapist

May 11, 2018

Washington, D.C. native Adam Laxalt is in full on damage control after facing mounting criticism for his ties to an alleged rapist and admitted sexual harasser. Last week, Northern Nevada women protested outside Laxalt’s office in Reno, demanding Laxalt renounce the support of Gerald Antinoro. Antinoro has been accused of sexual assault and has admitted to sexually harassing a former employee. This week, American Bridge launched new ads demanding Laxalt renounce the support of sexual predators like Antinoro. Despite all this, Laxalt continues to stand by Antinoro – literally:

But while Laxalt continues to embrace alleged sexual predators like Antinoro, it hasn’t stopped him from trying to do damage control on the scandal. Yesterday, Laxalt’s office launched a “new website” and his handlers published a series of tweets designed to make people think Laxalt actually cares about helping victims of sexual assault. What’s missing from Laxalt’s attempt at damage control? Actually renouncing the support of the very sexual predators propping up his campaign.

“If Adam Laxalt truly cared about helping victims of sexual assault, he would condemn his supporters who are allegedly committing it,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “For weeks Adam Laxalt has stood by an alleged rapist and admitted sexual harasser and no amount of tweets from his handlers can paper over that.”

Published: May 11, 2018

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