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Monday, Feb 27 2012

ABC News: Mitt Romney's Surrogate Headache: Can't Live With 'Em, Can't Live Without 'Em

Feb 27, 2012

On February 27, 2012, ABC News reported:

Unfortunately for Mitt Romney, surrogates sometimes say the darndest things.

Romney boasts more endorsements from current and former elected officials on the local, state and national level than any of his Republican opponents, but as his campaign has learned, there’s a fine line between an asset and a liability.


But it’s not just Christie’s loose lips. Whether it was deploying a senator to attack rival candidate Rick Santorum on raising the debt ceiling when the senator voted to do the same or governors who haven’t been able to deliver their home states for Romney, they just don’t seem to make endorsers like they used to.


[Jim] Talent, a senior adviser to the Romney campaign and former senator from Missouri, recently spoke on a conference call to call Rick Santorum out as an over-spender.

But as the Democratic super PAC, American Bridge, was only too pleased to point out, the conservative Club for Growth once called Talent out for exactly the same kind of spending behavior.

“In his previous time in the Senate, prior to losing to [Sen. Claire] McCaskill in 2006, Talent voted to raid the Social Security Trust Fund, for the infamous ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ earmark, and for other pork-laden budget busters,” the Club wrote in a 2010 news release, unearthed by American Bridge.

Read the full story here.

Published: Feb 27, 2012

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