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Saturday, Oct 22 2011

ABC News: Fed-Up Bachmann Staff Unpaid for a Month, Candidate Caught Unaware of Departures

Oct 22, 2011

On October 21, 2011, ABC News reported:

Rep. Michele Bachmann said she was surprised to hear that her entire New Hampshire campaign staff had quit en masse today, even though they “had not been paid for a month,” one of the departing staffers told ABC News.

Hours after initial reports of the mass exodus, Bachmann told Iowa Radio this afternoon that she was unaware that her staff had quit and said the reports were not true.


The departures are the latest in a string of high-profile exits from the campaign and do not bode well for a candidate who spent more money than she raised in the most recent quarter, according to FEC filings released last week.


In addition to a failure to pay staff salaries, some departing staffers had told the media that they were leaving because they were unconvinced that Bachmann was making a serious play to win New Hampshire.

Read the full article here

Published: Oct 22, 2011

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