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WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 11: U.S. President Joe Biden participates in a bill signing in the Oval Office of the White House on March 11, 2021 in Washington, DC. President Biden has signed the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill into law at the event. (Photo by Doug Mills-Pool/Getty Images)

Thursday, Mar 11 2021

American Bridge 21st Century Leadership Statements on President Biden Signing American Rescue Plan Act Into Law

Mar 11, 2021

Today, following President Biden’s signing of the historic American Rescue Plan Act, American Bridge 21st Century released the following statements from co-chairs Cecile Richards, Tom Perez, Governor Deval Patrick, and president Jessica Floyd.

American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair Cecile Richards: “President Biden’s American Rescue Plan will make a crucial difference for women and families across the country who have been sidelined by COVID-19. Since the start of this pandemic, more than 2.5 million women have been forced to leave their jobs – 2.5 million women who are worried about putting food on the table and paying their bills on time. The ARPA will ensure some much-needed relief for these women and Americans everywhere who are struggling to get by. I am proud to support the President’s plan, and I am grateful for Democrats in Congress who passed this monumental legislation despite unanimous Republican opposition. As co-chair of American Bridge, I am ready to work around the clock to elect more leaders who will protect women and families everywhere.”

American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair Governor Deval Patrick: “Help is here. The American Rescue Plan will end this pandemic once and for all, providing $20 billion to create a national vaccination program, increasing the number of community vaccination sites and dramatically scale up testing and tracing capacity. President Biden’s plan will also deliver $130 billion in funding to help schools reopen safely, getting students back in classrooms and keeping teachers and staff safe. American Bridge 21st Century will work tirelessly to ensure voters know how this legislation will help them and who is responsible for delivering much-needed relief.

American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair Tom Perez: “The American Rescue Plan that President Biden signed today is a huge win for our workers. Every American deserves a good job that pays them well, with good benefits and a secure retirement. But the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell’s failed leadership over the past four years, have hit working families hard. Our workers need leaders in Washington who will fight for them. Despite widespread bipartisan support from voters, the American Rescue Plan only passed by one vote in the face of unanimous opposition from Senate Republicans. That’s why it’s so important that we continue to elect Democrats who are serious about getting things done, and that’s exactly what I’m ready to work on as co-chair of American Bridge. Let’s keep getting things done for our working families.”

American Bridge 21st Century President Jessica Floyd: “When it comes to selling voters on the American Rescue Plan, we won’t let 2022 be a repeat of 2010. As we saw in the 2020 general election and especially in the Georgia runoffs, the best message was telling people that money and help will be on the way. President Biden and Congressional Democrats delivered on those promises and the American Rescue Plan has overwhelming, bipartisan support. We’ll keep it that way by going big and going early and make the case directly to voters so they know that in the face of widespread opposition from Republicans in Congress, President Biden and the Democratic Party put money in their pocket, surged vaccine distribution, and set the economy on the road to recovery.”

Published: Mar 11, 2021

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