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Wednesday, Feb 16 2022

AB21 Launches 8 Figure Program Targeting Down Ballot Election Administration Races

Feb 16, 2022

Today, American Bridge 21st Century launched “Bridge to Democracy” a 2022 midterm and 2024 Presidential program where AB21 will be targeting election administrator races at the state, county, and local levels. 

Our core targets for this project include GOP Secretaries of State, Attorneys General, Governors, county boards of supervisors and boards of canvassers, state supreme courts and judicial races, and state legislators across 12 states where a fair election is vital for a democratic and a legitimate 2024 presidential fight.

You can read more about the program here.

In response to the launch of this program, American Bridge Co-Chairs Governor Steve Bullock, Governor Deval Patrick, Secretary Tom Perez, and former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards released the following statement: 

“For Republicans, the end game is simple: they want to be able to overturn elections if they don’t like the results,” said Gov. Steve Bullock. “At American Bridge, we have the resources to fight back. In 2022 and 2024 we are going to make sure Americans know where their federal elected officials and those who hold statewide office stand on Trump’s big lie. We’re going to expose the folks who want to administer elections locally, but buy into the grotesque and undemocratic conspiracy theories that are a centerpiece of the GOP’s strategy. It is critical that we not only protect the right to vote, but protect the institutions and elected offices that determine the outcome of elections.  

“The Republican Party is focusing on bending, even breaking the rules because they are out of ideas,” said Gov. Deval Patrick. “But Americans know better than to give up on free and fair elections. And so do we. That’s why American Bridge is sounding the alarm and joining the struggle for a stronger democracy. Republicans have abandoned all respect for the will of citizens. So we will resist the local and state officials who carry out their cynical strategy, with every resource at our disposal.”

“Bridge To Democracy is a historic investment that ensures our democracy is protected from Republicans who do not believe in free and fair elections,” said Tom Perez. “Our program has already exposed some of the truly unsettling falsehoods Republican candidates for election administration positions are spreading. From corrupt efforts to pressure the Republican Secretary of State in Georgia to the Wayne County Election Board in Michigan, the assault is more than a short-term effort to overturn a single election – it is an ongoing campaign to seize power within the system. American Bridge will make sure voters understand the threat that extremists impose on our democracy.”

“Republicans at all levels of government are attempting to destabilize our democracy with an aggressive misinformation campaign, and working to install dangerous politicians committed to overturning the will of the people,” said Cecile Richards. “The Biden-Harris administration in partnership with Democrats across the country is working hard to strengthen the right to vote and protect free and fair elections. Here at American Bridge, we have the resources and expertise to track, research, and expose any and all efforts to undermine our electoral system, and we are working every day to safeguard our democracy.

You can read more about the program in our launch memo.


Published: Feb 16, 2022 | Last Modified: Feb 22, 2022

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