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Wednesday, Nov 9 2022

AB21 Founder David Brock on Donald Trump’s 2024 Announcement and His Role in Crashing the Red Wave

Nov 09, 2022

According to reporting from CNN, “former President Donald Trump’s endorsements for political candidates in close high-profile races have not yet given Republicans the swift and sweeping victories they had anticipated for this election cycle, despite many GOP hopefuls banking on his support to propel their campaigns.” In fact, his endorsement and involvement in the midterms seems to have led to painful losses for GOP candidates all over the country.

Despite the fact that he is a clear liability to the GOP’s electoral chances, Trump is expected to announce his 2024 presidential campaign next week. In response to reports of Trump’s 2024 announcement and in light of yesterday’s midterm elections, American Bridge 21st Century Founder David Brock has released the following statement: 

“The GOP losses last night paint a clear picture: voters rejected Donald Trump and his handpicked candidates. With a backdrop of countless embarrassing midterm defeats, Trump plans to announce his next losing presidential bid,” said David Brock, founder of American Bridge 21st Century. “When Trump was in office, he was the first president in decades to lose the House, the Senate and the White House all within four years. Yesterday, we saw his losing record continue. Thanks to Trump’s influence, the GOP went all in on unpopular far-right, fringe candidates who are out of step with the vast majority of Americans. The GOP is stuck with Trump and we will make them pay for that in 2024.” 

For months, Trump has been illegally campaigning as a presidential candidate. In March, American Bridge filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission to investigate potential campaign finance violations by the Trump campaign. In July, we filed suit against the FEC to compel them to hold Donald Trump accountable for his continued violation of federal election law.

American Bridge 21st Century has a presidential research team in place and is prepared to hold Trump accountable. Earlier this year, in response to Trump backed election denying candidates, American Bridge launched Bridge to Democracy. This program holds election deniers running for critical election administration positions across the country accountable. Bridge to Democracy was crucial in bringing to light research that shaped and ultimately won key races that will play major roles in certifying the presidential election results in 2024.

Published: Nov 9, 2022 | Last Modified: Nov 14, 2022

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