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Monday, May 16 2022

AB21 Co-Chair Cecile Richards & AB21 President Jessica Floyd on Abortion Rights 

May 16, 2022

Over the weekend, American Bridge’s Co-Chair and former President of Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards and American Bridge President Jessica Floyd went on MSNBC to talk about the continuous attacks on abortion rights from the GOP as well as the recently leaked SCOTUS decision on Roe. 

Watch Cecile Richards and Jessica Floyd on MSNBC’s American Voices with Alicia Menendez

Cecile Richards: “We did a poll at American Bridge along with Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Emily’s List earlier in the in the fall and essentially it showed that particularly among Republicans and independents, they felt like the position of the Republican Party, which is that they want to ban all abortion, make it illegal completely – is completely out of step with where they are. In fact, seventy-one percent of them said they would be more likely to vote for a Democrat who wanted to leave a decision about pregnancy up to the woman than a Republican who wanted to outlaw abortion.” 

Jessica Floyd: “The Republican Party would rather tell law enforcement to go punish women, punish doctors, punish loved ones who are trying to get their family members and loved ones health care, than empower that same law enforcement to prevent gun violence.”

Watch Jessica Floyd on MSNBC’s Yasmin Vossoughian Reports

Jessica Floyd: “One hundred percent of the Republicans who are in the Senate right now and had an opportunity to stand up for women, to stand up for families, to stand up for the majority of Americans who don’t want to see their rights taken away, voted against their own voters. They voted against Americans. And so what gives me hope is there are Democratic lawmakers around the country.” 


Published: May 16, 2022 | Last Modified: May 18, 2022

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