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Wednesday, Jun 29 2016

A Predictable Election Year Reversal

Jun 29, 2016

After voting to defund Planned Parenthood last August, Executive Councilor Chris Sununu sought to distance himself from his record today, voting to restore funding to the organization. After putting health services relied on by over 13,000 Granite Staters at risk, Sununu’s election-year reversal rings hollow.

Sununu’s August vote to defund women’s health services in New Hampshire granted legitimacy to a deceptively edited video which in no way implicated Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. Sununu’s claim that Planned Parenthood of Northern New England was, “Under criminal investigation on a federal level,” was as false then as it is now.

Sununu today stood by his vote to cut health services funding based solely on the Daleiden videos. Basing state policy on fake videos produced by a third-rate conman should raise serious questions about Sununu’s judgement and fitness for office.

Published: Jun 29, 2016

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