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Friday, Aug 21 2015

WATCH: Trump Pushes The GOP Towards Extremism On Birthright Citizenship

Aug 21, 2015

The offensive term “anchor babies” used to live on the far-right fringes of the Republican Party — now stopping birthright citizenship and revoking the 14th amendment seems to be the party’s platform. Driving the crazy train is none other than bald-eagle-toting Donald Trump, but he’s closely followed by Jeb Bush. 

Hey Jeb, since when is using “a slur” an “act of love?” 

Watch American Bridge’s new Spanish-language video on the GOP’s immigration extremism:

Washington Post: Jeb Bush: ‘Anchor babies’ isn’t offensive

A feistier, combative Jeb Bush said Thursday that he doesn’t believe the term “anchor babies” is offensive and blamed Democrats for perpetuating the idea that it’s a loaded term.

In one of his most aggressive exchanges with reporters to date, Bush dismissed suggestions that the two-word term deemed offensive by many Hispanics and denounced by Democrats is improper.

CNN: Sorry Jeb, ‘anchor babies’ is a slur

Despite his family ties to the Latino community, Bush is off base. The term “anchor baby” is a disgusting slur. It is inaccurate as well as offensive. It is dehumanizing to Latinos, immigrants and children who are as American as you and me.

So while the ideas behind “anchor babies” are a myth, the sting of this term is real. Calling someone an “anchor baby” strips away their humanity and judges them based on a perception of their parents’ immigration status. The American Heritage Dictionary rightfully defines “anchor baby” as a pejorative term. Ironically, Bush has been a member of an advocacy group that has discouraged use of the term.

NBC News: Latinos Outraged By ‘Anchor Baby’ Term, See It As Offensive

Any GOP hope that time would ease the sting many Latinos felt when Donald Trump opened his campaign by deriding Mexicans may have been quashed by Jeb Bush and his use of the term “anchor babies,” which drew swift criticism from many in the community.

“From the depths of my heart, I look at someone like Jeb Bush, who really should know better and that all I can think of is the Spanish term, sinvergüenza, which means somebody who is completely without shame to attack children this way,” said Rep. Linda Sanchez, chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

“It makes undocumented immigrants sound like leeches who just want to come here to have children so they can have access to government handouts. And that’s simply not true,” Aguilar said. “The vast majority come here to improve their livelihood and their families.”

Sun-Sentinel: Jeb Bush should apologize for anchor babies comment: He pulled a Trump

He used the term this week and when later asked by reporters whether he thought his term was derogatory, Bush fired back: “I don’t. Do you have a better term? You give me a better term and I’ll use it.”

How about: children. Or: American babies. Both work, based on birthright citizenship, AKA as the 14th Amendment.

The term “anchor babies” is mean.

It makes babies sound sub-human, an object or problem rather than a promising American citizen capable of accomplishing great things in the future. Like generations of children before them born here with parents who came to America to give their children a better life.

Published: Aug 21, 2015

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