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Thursday, May 10 2018

šŸš®: Leah Vukmir Stands by News Release Picturing Tammy Baldwin As Member of ā€œTeam Terroristsā€

May 10, 2018

ā€œAfter Kevin Nicholsonā€™s week of attacking veterans, Leah Vukmir apparently decided she needed to step up her game,ā€Ā said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman.Ā ā€œVukmirā€™s outrageous release labeling Tammy Baldwin a member of ā€˜Team Terroristsā€™ has firmly solidified the Wisconsin Republican Senate primary as a race to the bottom. Both candidates are in a tailspin of their own making, and even Wisconsinā€™s Republican leaders are taking notice.ā€

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Leah Vukmir stands by news release picturing Tammy Baldwin as member of ‘Team Terrorists’
By Bill Glauber |Ā May 10, 2018

  • ā€œLeah Vukmir isn’t backing downĀ from a news release issued this week by her campaign that labeled Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin as a member of ‘Team Terrorists.'”
  • ā€œThe news release included pictures of Vukmir and CIA nominee Gina Haspel as members of ‘Team America’ while Baldwin was labeled a member of ‘Team Terrorists.’ Baldwin’s photo was paired with an image of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, principal architect of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.ā€
  • ā€œTheĀ conservative outlet ‘Right Wisconsin’ harshly criticized the image, calling the attack ‘an irresponsible campaign blunder.'” 
  • ā€œ[Republican Senator Ron] Johnson,Ā who gained the party endorsement in 2010,Ā said, ‘Is there a history of us winning after a knock-down drag-out primary? Probably not.'” 


Ā Read the full storyĀ here.

Published: May 10, 2018

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