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Wednesday, Aug 24 2011

Washington Times: Ties to coal industry rise as issue for Allen

Aug 24, 2011

On August 24, 2011 The Washington Times reported:


When the Environmental Protection Agency announced new smokestack standards for coal-burning power plants this summer, former Virginia Gov. George Allen, a Republican running for the U.S. Senate, was quick to oppose the move.

“These backdoor tax hikes have real economic impacts on Virginia families and businesses, destroying jobs and sending electricity rates soaring,” he said on his campaign website.

But as Mr. Allen advocates for the coal industry on the campaign trail, a financial disclosure form shows that as recently as last year, he was working as a consultant for a major coal company.

After he lost his Senate seat in 2006, Mr. Allen opened his own consulting firm, George Allen Strategies. His client list included Alpha Natural Resources, one of the country’s largest coal producers, according to a financial disclosure form Mr. Allen recently filed with the Senate.


Click here to read the full article.

Published: Aug 24, 2011

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