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Friday, Jun 6 2014

VIDEO: Rick Scott's Hypocrisy On Veterans Health Care

Jun 06, 2014

Rick Scott is talking a lot about veterans health care these days. With the recent VA issues that have surfaced, Rick Scott has been making the rounds, bashing the federal government and demanding that we do everything in our power to get our veterans the care they deserve.

But while Rick Scott pays lip service to those who have served, 41,000 veterans in his own back yard don’t have access to Medicaid because Florida won’t expand the program.

We all agree that our veterans deserve nothing but the best. Surely they should have access to quality health care. So why is Rick Scott still refusing to take action on Medicaid expansion, denying that health care coverage to the very veterans he claims he is fighting for?

Check out the video above.


Urban Institute: 41,200 Uninsured Florida Veterans Would Qualify For Medicaid If Florida Expanded The Program Under The Affordable Care Act. According to Politifact, “In tweeting his attack, Crist linked to a March 2013 nationwide study by the Washington-based Urban Institute. The study analyzed U.S. Census Bureau data to estimate how many military veterans aged 19 to 64 don’t have insurance. (Veterans 65 and older qualify, like other Americans, for Medicare.) The study found that 535,000 uninsured veterans nationwide would qualify for Medicaid or new subsidies under the Affordable Care Act. However, the majority would only qualify for Medicaid if their state chose to expand it. The institute’s report said in Florida there were 103,700 non-elderly veterans who lacked health insurance, which included 41,200 who would qualify for Medicaid if the state expanded the program.” [Politifact, 5/23/14]

Published: Jun 6, 2014

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