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Friday, Mar 19 2021

VIDEO: Hypocrite Chris Sununu Takes Credit for American Rescue Plan He Opposed

Mar 19, 2021

After opposing the American Rescue Plan, watch Sununu hypocritically praise ARP for helping to lower New Hampshire’s property taxes 

Chris Sununu hypocritically took credit yesterday for the property tax relief New Hampshire homeowners are about to receive thanks to the Sununu-opposed American Rescue Plan. At a press conference designed to take credit for the very legislation he fiercely opposed, Sununu noted that property taxes would soon be lower thanks to the American Rescue Plan. Excuse us while we roll our eyes. 

Earlier this week the American Independent reported that New Hampshire property taxpayers would receive relief from high property taxes thanks to the American Rescue Plan. Under Sununu’s failed leadership, New Hampshire’s property taxes have skyrocketed, becoming the third hightest property taxes in the United States. Thanks to the state and local aid New Hampshire will receive from the American Rescue Plan, those high taxes will soon be cut, no thanks to Chris Sununu. Sununu not only opposed the plan, he actively called on New Hampshire’s United States Senators to vote against the legislation he’s now taking credit for.

“Chris Sununu is a world class hypocrite who opposed the American Rescue Plan that is putting money in people’s pockets and providing relief from the sky high property taxes Sununu imposed upon Granite Staters,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Chris Sununu can hold all the hypocritical press conferences he wants, but it will not change the simple fact that he opposed the American Rescue Plan that is already providing the people of New Hampshire desperately needed relief.”

Published: Mar 19, 2021

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