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Wednesday, Jan 18 2017

Trump's Budget Director Pick Can't Manage A Household Budget

Jan 18, 2017

Rep. Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s pick to lead Office of Management and Budget, neglected “to pay more than $15,000 in payroll taxes for a household employee,” according to a New York Times report on Mulvaney’s disclosure of the discrepancy to the Senate Budget Committee.

The revelation stains Trump’s already ethically-marred transition just days before his inauguration, and it adds Mulvaney to a growing list of Trump Administration figures (and nominees) including Trump, himself, and Betsy DeVos, who have shady tax records, disclosure errors, or simply a refusal to release their tax returns.

American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah issued the following statement on Mulvaney’s tax discrepancy:

“Trump’s pick for Budget director either purposefully avoided paying taxes he owed for a household employee, or he can’t be trusted to manage his own household budget. I don’t know which is worse, but both are disqualifying. Senators of both parties should call on Mulvaney to remove his name from consideration.”

Published: Jan 18, 2017

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