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Tuesday, May 24 2016

Trump Rages At Calls For Veteran Donation Accountability

May 24, 2016

Donald Trump is fuming following a series of reports showing that the blustering billionaire likely hasn’t made good on his claim to have raised $6 million in charitable contributions for veterans groups.

Trump’s campaign has been evasive and combative when pressed to account for the donations, with campaign manager Corey Lewandowski revising the donation total and refusing to disclose to whom Trump donated.

Last night, Trump went on a big league Twitter-rant decrying calls for accountability and, of course, blaming the “dishonest and disgusting” media

There’s no reason for the Trump campaign to conceal donations to veterans groups. Trump’s claim that, “Why should I give you records? I don’t have to give you records,” reveals another layer of hypocrisy within an already opaque campaign.

Trump doesn’t think the American people have the right to see his tax returns, and apparently also doesn’t think that they have a right to know if he followed through on his oft-touted promise to donate $6 million dollars to veterans’ groups.
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Trump followed his tirade up this morning with a video posted to Instagram, again blaming the “dishonest media” for the scrutiny, rather than his own campaign’s evasiveness.
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Published: May 24, 2016

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