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Thursday, Dec 10 2015

Trump Koozies Bolster John McCain's Senate Race

Dec 10, 2015



The National Republican Senatorial Committee’s newly minted Donald Trump koozies are being hocked to fundraise on behalf of their slate of Senate candidates for 2016, including Senator John McCain. This is the second time in two weeks that the NRSC’s Trump strategy has been revealed.  Last week, a leaked confidential NRSC memo detailed instructions to Senate incumbents and candidates on implementing Trump-like strategies for their 2016 campaigns.  Trump called the NRSC candidate guide a “compliment.”

“Donald Trump’s hateful, divisive rhetoric and policies are as un-American as they are incendiary. Fundraising on Trump’s hate speech to re-elect Sen. McCain is desperate and outrageous. Sen. McCain has already indicated he will support Trump if he wins the Republican nomination, even after Trump’s call to ban Muslims. Trump and Sen. McCain’s policies would hurt the Grand Canyon State. Their agenda would make it harder for Arizonans to get a quality education, crush women’s access to healthcare, and take away insurance coverage for children of low income families,” said Jessica Mackler, president of American Bridge 21st Century. “Just like the NRSC koozie says, Sen. McCain’s  policies show he’s ‘with Trump.'”


Robert Schlesinger Op-Ed: McCain Said That While He Disagreed With Trump, He Would Support Him As The Republican Nominee Because The Nominee Reflected The Principles And Platform Of The Republican Party. According to an opinion piece by Robert Schlesinger in US News, “Arizona Sen. John McCain – who has a less-than-cordial relationship with the former reality TV star – pretty much acknowledged as much today at a Christian Science Monitor press breakfast with reporters. Asked about a potential Trump versus Hillary Clinton general election, the famous and self-styled maverick fell back upon party loyalty. I hate to get into hypotheticals too much, but I think that if we have a Republican platform, which I think we would, which reflects the principles of the Republican Party … Trump or any person who we nominate would obviously want to get a majority of the vote and that means appealing to the center. … I obviously disagree with Mr. Trump on certain issues, but I think that fight can be had within the Republican Party. I’ve had a strong disagreement and I have made those disagreements well-known. I have disagreements with Senator [Ted] Cruz [of Texas] – I don’t believe we should shut down the government again. I have disagreements with some of the other candidates as well. … We’ll have to see what happens but I will support the nominee of the Republican Party.” [US News, 12/2/15]

Published: Dec 10, 2015

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