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Wednesday, Aug 29 2018

Trump: "We Did a Fantastic Job in Puerto Rico." Does Rick Scott Agree?

Aug 29, 2018

At a press conference today, President Trump said that his administration “did a fantastic job in Puerto Rico” — less than 24 hours after a definitive report was issued showing that nearly 3,000 lives were lost due to Hurricane Maria last year.

After advising the Trump administration health care, chairing a pro-Trump super-PAC, and accepting Trump’s endorsement, Rick Scott can’t pretend he’s not tied at the hip to his close ally — which begs the question:

Does Rick Scott agree with his friend and ally that “we did a fantastic job in Puerto Rico?”

After all, Rick Scott previously praised Donald Trump’s Puerto Rico response, saying, “I don’t know what I’d do differently” in Puerto Rico from the Trump administration.

Floridians are waiting for his answer.


Watch Donald Trump praise his failed response effort in Puerto Rico here:

Published: Aug 29, 2018

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