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Tuesday, Jul 19 2016

Trump Campaign Can't Shake Plagiarism Charges

Jul 19, 2016

Rather than admit what most can see with their two eyes — that Melania Trump’s speech last night was partially plagiarized from Michelle Obama’s 2008 convention speech — Donald Trump and his campaign are doing what they do best: Double down, refuse to admit wrongdoing, and bulldoze anyone who might suggest they’re lying.

Plagiarism isn’t anything new for Donald Trump, of course. Trump marketed and sold Trump Institute courses for $2,000 that it turns out were largely plagiarizedfrom a $25 real estate manual set.

Donald Trump is completely inept — that’s the easiest way to put it. He’s asking voters to look at his life and business experience, and support him using the same style in the White House. Instead, when people look at his experience, they see dozens of red flags that prove he’s a scammer and vindictive businessman with a divisive temperament unfit to be Commander-in-Chief.

Read more here:

Wall Street Journal: Melania Trump Speech Used Same Passages as Michelle Obama’s 2008 Address

AP: Some Melania Trump speech lines mirror Michelle Obama speech

Politico: Melania Trump’s prime-time speech was strikingly similar to Michelle Obama’s

New York Times: Melania Trump’s Speech Bears Striking Similarities to Michelle Obama’s in 2008

Washington Post: Melania Trump’s speech appears to have cribbed from Michelle Obama’s in 2008

Published: Jul 19, 2016

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