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Tuesday, Dec 1 2015

The GOP's Insidious Planned Parenthood Rhetoric

Dec 01, 2015

On the tragic shooting at the Planned Parenthood health center in Colorado Springs last Friday, PPFA Executive Vice President Dawn Laguens this weekend said:

It is offensive and outrageous that some politicians are now claiming this tragedy has nothing to do with the toxic environment they helped create…Instead of looking for lessons to prevent this from happening in the future, they’re doubling down on their effort to block women from getting preventive health care at Planned Parenthood…One of the lessons of this awful tragedy is that words matter, and hateful rhetoric fuels violence. It’s not enough to denounce the tragedy without also denouncing the poisonous rhetoric that fueled it. Instead, some politicians are continuing to stoke it, which is unconscionable.

Unapologetic advocates of anti-choice policies, 2016 GOP presidential candidates and sitting GOP senators have over the last several months been unrepentant in their parroting of inflammatory anti-Planned Parenthood rhetoric and amplification of insidious anti-Planned Parenthood lies.

Their attacks on Planned Parenthood are nothing more than a coordinated partisan assault on American women’s access to a full-range of health care options . The repugnant, inflammatory anti-Planned Parenthood rhetoric speaks for itself:

Marco Rubio

Jeb Bush

Ben Carson

Ted Cruz

Chris Christie

Carly Fiorina

Ron Johnson

Joni Ernst

Rob Portman

Pat Toomey

  • Claimed Plant Parenthood, which provides a myriad of essential health services — including HIV and STI tests and well as breast exams — and which in 2013-2014 facilitated the early-detection of cancer for 87,998 women, has a “wanton disregard for human life.”

Published: Dec 1, 2015

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