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Wall Street Reform

AB Leadership Monday, Nov 28 2011

Las Vegas Review-Journal: Heller takes a hit from Washington group

On November 28, 2011, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported:

Senate Dean Heller continues to take shots from organizations critical of his voting record as his race for election heats up. American Bridge 21st Century is the latest outfit to fire on Heller. Its spokesman, Matt Thornton, thumps him for his "blatant attempt to hide his record of standing up for Wall Street at the expense of Main Street."

Monday, Nov 21 2011

NY Times: Vilifying Rival, Wall St. Rallies for Senate Ally

On November 18, 2011, the New York Times reported:

The warning has ricocheted around the financial world in recent weeks, in conversations at Midtown restaurants and Washington fund-raisers, carrying urgent appeals for money from financial executives around the Northeast: The battle to re-elect Senator Scott P. Brown, the Republican from Massachusetts, just got a little more interesting.

Friday, Oct 14 2011

MEMO: Scott Brown's Bad Month

In January 2010, Scott Brown unexpectedly won a special election for Massachusetts Senate. Riding into the public spotlight in his ubiquitous pickup truck, the people of Massachusetts saw Brown as an authentic everyman who promised them he would go to Washington and be an independent voice for working people. In February 2010, Brown embarked on his book tour with the revelation that his fundraising goal for the 2012 cycle was $25 million, a figure that would represent a nearly insurmountable challenge for his potential opponents to overcome. But the last month has seen the veneer of inevitability chipped away from Brown’s reelection prospects. Brown’s supposed strengths – his financial advantage, his independent voice, his likability, and his authenticity – have each been called into question in just a few short weeks. Overall, from being outraised to having his real record exposed, from petty attacks to getting caught plagiarizing, it has not been a good month for Scott Brown. Read the full memo after the jump

News Energy Friday, Sep 30 2011

RELEASE: Sen. Scott Brown’s Truckload of Lies

WASHINGTON -- Continuing his quest to hide his record from Bay Staters, Sen. Scott Brown used a recent Watertown appearance to lie to constituents about supporting tax loopholes for oil companies and powerful corporations.

At a September 28 event at the Watertown Chamber of Commerce, Sen. Scott Brown responded to a question from a concerned constituent by making a series of false statements and misleading claims to perpetuate the myth that he is fighting for working Massachusetts families.

Tuesday, Sep 13 2011

Boston Globe: Facing possible Warren challenge, Brown burnishes image as Wall Street reformer

"Facing a possible challenge from Elizabeth Warren next year, Senator Scott Brown appears to be positioning himself as a steadfast Wall Street reformer in an attempt to defuse one of the Harvard professor’s most important credentials while defending himself against potential attacks on the campaign trail. [...] Democratic groups are accusing Brown of “trying to rewrite history” ahead of next year’s election, accusing the senator of distorting his position for political gain. “Scott Brown tried to completely derail this bill,” said Rodell Mollineau, president of a liberal “super PAC,” American Bridge 21st Century. Mollineau worked for the Senate Majority Leader’s office when the bill was passed. “He was playing his own game of chicken, so for him to sit there and say that he was the savior that rescued the bill is disingenuous at best,” said Mollineau."

News Monday, Sep 12 2011

MEMO: Scott Brown’s Desperate Attempt To Rewrite History On Wall Street Reform

During a recent interview with New England Cable News, Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) attempted to rewrite the history of how 2010’s historic Wall Street Reform bill became law. Despite making nationwide news for delaying, obstructing and nearly torpedoing the entire process, Brown laughingly claimed, “I worked on it, I voted on it, I pushed it through.”

“Pushed it through”? Not so fast, Senator.

For weeks, Brown made headlines for threatening to derail Democrats’ efforts to rein in Wall Street in order to protect the big wigs that bankrolled his campaign.

Get the facts after the jump.

News Friday, Jul 22 2011

Huffington Post: Scott Brown Taps Wall Street For Cash In Advance Of Possible Elizabeth Warren Challenge

On July 21, 2011, the Huffington Post reported:

As Democrats urge Elizabeth Warren, one of Wall Street's most public foes, to seek a U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts next year, the financial industry is already throwing its support behind the seat's current occupant, Sen. Scott Brown (R), giving him nearly $315,000 in the most recent fundraising quarter.

Saturday, Jan 1 2011

Mitt Romney On The Federal Budget

Romney Said That When Government Is “Bailing Out Banks” That “We Have Every Good Reason To Be Alarmed And To Speak Our Mind!” Romney said at the Values Voter Summit, “There’s something else that should concern us when the federal government expands at such a rate. When government is trying to take over health care, buying car companies, bailing out banks, and giving half the White House staff the title of czar – we have every good reason to be alarmed and to speak our mind!” [Romney Values Voter Summit Speech, 9/19/09]

Saturday, Jan 1 2011

Dean Heller On Wall Street Reform

Dean Heller Voted To Weaken Financial Derivatives Regulations. Dean Heller voted for a motion to recommit the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform bill that would instruct conferees to insist on Senate language to expand the exemption for commercial businesses using financial derivatives to hedge their business risks from the margin requirements in the bill. The motion to recommit also would instruct conferees to insist on House language to give the GAO other expanded audit authority over the Federal Reserve, including the ability to monitor some of its most sensitive monetary policy deliberations. The original legislation authorized a one-time audit of the Fed’s emergency lending during the financial crisis. [Vote #412, 6/30/2010] Heller Voted Against Regulating Wall Street After Financial Crisis. On June 30, 2010, Heller voted against the conference report of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. In an attempt to avoid a future financial crisis, the bill would establish a procedure for dissolving financial institutions that pose systematic risk to the economy, create a Consumer Financial Protection Agency, establish a national standard for mortgages, and authorize $4 billion of Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds for housing relief. It also creates a clearinghouse for the previously unregulated financial derivatives market, requires registration of all credit rating firms, and creates a registry of private capital investment advisers. [Vote #413, 6/30/2010] Dean Heller Started His Career As A Stock Broker. According to CQ, “At the University of Southern California, Heller studied business administration, specializing in finance and securities analysis. He put himself through college by working on the Pacific Stock Exchange. After graduation, he worked as a stockbroker and trader in Los Angeles.” [CQ Member Profiles, 5/9/2011]

News Saturday, Jan 1 2011

George Allen On Banking And Mortgage Reform

Allen Voted Against Requiring Financial Companies To Provide Truth-In-Lending Information To Homeowners. Allen voted against the Torres amendment requiring financial institutions to provide homeowners with truth-in-lending information within three days of applying to refinance a mortgage. [Vote 364, H.AMDT 789 to H.R. 5334, 8/5/92, Failed 153-268, D: 147-109, R: 5-159, I: 1-0]

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