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Tuesday, Feb 21 2012

St. Louis Today: John Brunner's Debate Performance Has Shades Of Tim Pawlenty Whiff

Feb 21, 2012

On February 20, 2012, St. Louis Today reported:

Eight months later, at least two of Pawlenty’s former campaign aides are now working for Missouri Senate hopeful John Brunner, whose maiden debate performance Saturday was notable for what transpired away from the platform.


However, shortly before the debate ended, the campaign of Brunner, who served as an infantry officer in the Marine Corps, delivered a surprise attack, issuing a news release describing Steelman as a “Cut, Copy and Paste” Republican.

Brunner’s campaign said the style of the forum — a moderator quizzing the candidates, who had no opportunity for rebuttal — did not lend itself to throwing jabs.

Read the whole article here.

Published: Feb 21, 2012

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