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Wednesday, Mar 29 2017

Spicer Questions: Russian Mob Money Edition

Mar 29, 2017

The disturbing revelations came fast and furious yesterday about Donald Trump’s alleged ties to Russian mobsters and Paul Manafort’s sketchy money laundering schemes. American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah says “No wonder the President tried to say ‘Hello’ to Chuck Schumer last night,” and calls on White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to answer the following questions:

1. The Trump Organization maintains that Trump never directly entered into a transaction with the alleged mobsters cited by USA Today.  But how can that be true for Felix Sater? Reports indicate that Sater not only worked for the Trump Organization as a senior advisor but also met with Trump attorney Michael Cohen and Ukrainian politician Andrii Artemenko during the transition about a secret plan to lift sanctions on Russia.

2. Definitively, when was the last time Donald Trump spoke to Paul Manafort?

3. Was Donald Trump or any of his children personally involved in Paul Manafort’s 2006 purchase of a condominium in Trump Tower for $3.75 million? According to  news reports this purchase was likely made entirely in cash.

4. Is the $500 million Donald Trump claims he’s adding to fight the opioid epidemic in his budget really new spending, or is it just the second installment of $500 million President Obama signed into law as part of his 21st Century Cures Act?

5. How is signing a law to let broadband companies, including top donors to his inauguration like AT&T and Verizon, sell people’s Internet browsing histories in keeping with Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp?”

Published: Mar 29, 2017

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