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Monday, Apr 17 2017

Spicer Questions: Bunny Suit Edition

Apr 17, 2017

American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah calls on White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to answer the following questions: 
  1. Is President Trump going to start a war with North Korea? 
  2. How will Turkish President Erdogan’s expanded powers impact the Trump Organization’s multi-million tower complex in Istanbul?
  3. How many former lobbyists are working in the Trump administration on the exact same issues they lobbied on since Trump eliminated the rule preventing this type of conflict of interest?
  4. Did President Trump share details about his forthcoming $1 billion infrastructure plan with Paul Manafort before Manafort began advising a Chinese billionaire about how to win contracts under the plan?
  5. Who wore the bunny suit this year?

Published: Apr 17, 2017

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