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Wednesday, Apr 12 2017

Someone Should Ask Trump About Tillerson's Cowering in Russia

Apr 12, 2017

Three days ago Rex Tillerson emerged from the shadows to declare Russia was either “complicit,” “incompetent,” or were “outwitted” by the Assad regime’s chemical attack in Syria. But today in Moscow, Tillerson cowered, declining to repeat the charge when asked about it point blank.

“Face to face with his Russian counterpart and Vladimir Putin, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson cowered. After an almost two-hour meeting with Vladimir Putin, Tillerson couldn’t muster the courage to publicly hold Russia accountable for their actions in Syria or for their meddling in the U.S. elections. It hasn’t even been 3 months on the job and already Tillerson has proven to be a complete failure who lack the skills, knowledge, or backbone to do his job on behalf of the country.  Instead he has become the face of an administration that’s increasingly weak and ceding global leadership,”  American Bridge spokesperson Sabrina Singh.

What a difference three days makes:

SUNDAY: “I think the Russians need to think more carefully about the commitment they made under the chemical weapons agreements to be the guarantor that these weapons would be seized, they would be removed, they would be destroyed. And since they are Bashar al-Assad’s ally, they would have the closest insight as to their compliance, so regardless of whether Russia was complicit here or whether they were simply incompetent or whether they got outwitted by the Assad regime, you would have to ask the Russians that question. They have clearly failed in their commitment to the international community.”

TODAY: “With respect to Russia’s complicity or knowledge of the chemical weapons attack, we have no firm information to indicate that there was any involvement by Russian forces into this attack.”  

Published: Apr 12, 2017

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