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Monday, Sep 18 2017

SIREN: Arizona Governor Green-Lights Graham-Cassidy-Heller Plan To Strip Care From 32 Million Americans

Sep 18, 2017

“Graham-Cassidy-Heller is the worst Republican healthcare plan yet, and any politician who supports this plan is going to have to answer to their voters for putting partisan politics above their health. This plan a disaster that could strip health care from 32 million Americans, end Medicaidas we know it, and gut protections for pre-existing conditions. That’s why nearly twenty patient and healthcare provider organizations are opposing this plan. In fact, it’s hard to find anyone who supports this plan, except Republican politicians desperate to score partisan points to appease their right-wing base — at the expense of all Americans’ health care,” said American Bridge spokesman Joshua Karp.




Published: Sep 18, 2017

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