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News Monday, Jun 5 2017

Senate GOP's health care plan: secret, unpopular, and not really a plan

Jun 05, 2017

As Republican Senators return to Washington this week — fresh from a week of hiding from their angry constituents — their health care agenda is more unpopular than ever.

Senate Republicans originally “hoped to have a draft bill this week,” but they know their agenda is so explosively unpopular they’re just going to release “an outline of parameters” — whatever that means.

SHOT: Poll: “Majority wants Senate to make major changes to House bill or not pass it at all” and “three-fourths (76 percent) of the public thinks the health care plan recently passed by the House does not fulfill most of the promises President Trump has made about health care.” – Kaiser Family Foundation

CHASER: “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) wants to keep the details held closely… ‘The last thing we want to do is litigate this in the press,’ the aide said. ‘We want to discuss parameters and concepts without releasing a draft.'” – The Hill

Published: Jun 5, 2017

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