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Wednesday, Nov 11 2015

Sen. Toomey Misleads PA Voters, Blocks His Own Judicial Nominees. Again.

Nov 11, 2015

Senator Pat Toomey is again under fire for misleading Pennsylvanians and playing politics with judicial nominees. Earlier this year, Toomey got heat for trying to have it both ways by first praising and then blocking his own judicial nominee, L. Felipe Restrepo. When confronted with his deception, Toomey responded to reporters by saying “I’ve got to run.”

Toomey is effectively blocking four Pennsylvania judges that he publicly praised by failing to turn in his blue slips. Pennsylvanians deserve justice and swift confirmation to fill these crucial positions. The questions remain: What political game is Toomey playing?  What does Pat Toomey have to hide that he would block his own nominees… again?

Published: Nov 11, 2015

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