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Wednesday, Sep 20 2017

Scott Walker Endorses Plan To Kick 414,000 Wisconsinites Off Their Health Insurance

Sep 20, 2017

A new analysis out Wednesday shows Scott Walker is supporting a bill that would cost 414,000 of his constituents their healthcare. On Tuesday, Walker released a letter supporting the latest version of Trumpcare, Cassidy-Graham. On Wednesday, a new analysis found that Walker’s chosen plan would kick 414,000 Wisconsinites off their health insurance.
Cassidy-Graham is the worst version of Trumpcare yet. Over the next ten years, it would rob Wisconsin of $2.9 billion in federal funding and kick 414,000 Wisconsinites off their health insurance. The bill also ends Medicaid as we know it, guts protections for people with preexisting conditions, and bars funding for Planned Parenthood. The American Medical Association, AARP, The American Heart Association, and 35 anti-cancer advocacy groups all oppose the bill.
American Bridge Spokesperson Lizzy Price made the following statement:
“Scott Walker is throwing 414,000 Wisconsinites under the bus to advance the one thing he really cares about: his own partisan political career. He’s championing a bill that would rob families of their healthcare, let insurance companies jack up prices on people who get sick or pregnant, and subject seniors to an age tax — all in the name of partisan politics.”

Published: Sep 20, 2017

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