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Friday, May 16 2014

Scott Brown's Rough Week

May 16, 2014

Scott Brown has had a rough week. The former Massachusetts senator-turned-Fox News commentator-turned-New Hampshire senate hopeful has had a rocky introduction to the Granite State. As he said, “Do I have the best credentials? Probably not. ‘Cause, you know, whatever.”

Well things got even worse this week when it came to light that Brown had been lobbying Republican senators to kill Jeanne Shaheen’s bipartisan energy bill–which would have created jobs and protected the environment–to deprive his opponent of the accomplishment. Classy. Even Sen. Ayotte voted for the bill, despite Brown’s personal appeal, because in her words, “I just did what I thought was best based on my state.”

And the week didn’t get any better for Scott Brown. But don’t take our word for it, just check out the headlines:

Kelly Ayotte Says She Ignored Scott Brown’s Wishes For The Good Of New Hampshire

Ryan Grim, Huffington Post

Teamsters say Scott Brown lied to their face

James Pindell, WMUR

Midterm campaigning gets in the way of energy policy

Stephanie Condon, CBS News

Scott Brown’s epic anti-Obamacare buffoonery

Greg Sargent, Washington Post

Scott Brown’s Poor Memory

Steve Benen, MSNBC

Tough challenge for Scott Brown in meeting with Gun Owners

John DiStaso, NH Journal

Scott Brown speaking at Las Vegas hedge fund event

Noah Bierman, Boston Globe

On the bright side, Scott Brown has experience when it comes to this type of thing–this isn’t his first bad day.

Published: May 16, 2014

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