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Tuesday, Jun 20 2017

Russia Attacked Us. 7 Months Later, Trump Still Won't Admit It.

Jun 20, 2017

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer today yet again refused to definitively say whether President Donald Trump believes Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Rather than answer with a simple “yes” or “no,” Spicer plead ignorance — “I have not sat down to talk to him about that specific thing.” — but we all know that’s impossible; especially as Trump stands accused of obstructing a federal investigation into whether his own campaign worked with Russia to get the job done and 16 intelligence agencies concluded Russia was behind the attacks on our election.

American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah statement on Trump’s willful ignorance on Russian efforts to derail our democratic process:

“The President of the United States is seemingly the last person in the entire country to admit that Vladimir Putin’s Russia attacked our country. Think about that for a second — as Russia is threatening to attack American military personnel and aircraft, Trump is gearing up to oppose new bipartisan sanctions on Russia.  President Trump is abandoning his post as Commander in Chief and turning a blind eye to our national security.”

Watch Spicer duck the question on whether Trump acknowledges the Kremlin was behind the 2016 Election cyberespionage here.

Published: Jun 20, 2017

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