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Thursday, Jul 27 2017

Rick Scott Has Failed to Act on Florida's Opioid Crisis

Jul 27, 2017

Rick Scott is in Orlando this morning for a staged photo-op to make it looks like he cares about Florida’s opioid crisis.
But Floridians know that Rick Scott has been dangerously negligent, under-funding and ignoring measures to deal with the crisis, which has killed over 17,000 Floridians since he took office and killed an average of 14 Floridians per day in the first six months of 2016.
This is the second taxpayer-funded fake bill-signing Scott has done for H.B. 477. He held another fake signing in West Palm Beach on July 11.
“Rick Scott hopes he looks like he’s fighting Florida’s opioid crisis, but for the last 6 year’s he’s sat on his hands while Floridians are suffering and dying. Instead of dedicating resources to fight addiction and fund treatment, Scott has cut taxes to benefit big corporations. Rick Scott’s photo-op today is nothing more than a political campaign event paid for with taxpayer dollars — money that should be going to fight Florida’s opioid crisis. But Rick Scott always puts his political career ahead of Floridians,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.
For more information about Rick Scott’s negligent response to Florida’s opioid crisis, read American Bridge’s Medium post, published July 14.

Published: Jul 27, 2017

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