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Wednesday, Sep 20 2017

Rauner Flunks Trumpcare Leadership Test, Even As Other Republicans Speak Out

Sep 20, 2017

Bruce Rauner is failing to speak out against a disastrous Republican plan to kick 965,000 Illinoisans off of their health insurance, gut protections for preexisting conditions, defund Planned Parenthood, and end Medicaid as we know it. On Tuesday, Rauner’s silence became all the more deafening when a bipartisan group of governors released a letter opposing the Graham-Cassidy bill — with Rauner’s name conspicuously missing.
This isn’t the first time Rauner has failed to oppose Republicans’ efforts to destroy the Affordable Care Act. In March, Rauner claimed he planned to craft a response to the American Health Care Act, but when a bipartisan group of governors sent a June letter opposing the bill, Rauner’s name was nowhere to be found.
The Graham-Cassidy bill is the worst version of Trumpcare yet. The bill would kick 965,000 Illinoisans off of their health insurance and rob the state of $9.26 billion in federal funding over the next ten years. It ends Medicaid as we know it, guts protections for people with preexisting conditions, and defunds Planned Parenthood. The American Medical Association, AARP, The American Heart Association, and 35 anti-cancer advocacy groups all oppose the bill.
American Bridge Spokesperson Lizzy Price made the following statement:
“Bruce Rauner has once again turned his back on the millions of Illinois families who would lose crucial healthcare protections under Trumpcare — and turned a blind eye to the way Trumpcare would devastate Illinois’ economy. Bruce Rauner would rather jeopardize the healthcare and economic security of Illinois families than stand up to Trump.”

Published: Sep 20, 2017

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