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Thursday, Oct 25 2018

QUICK CLIP(S): McSally Totally Loses It When Confronted With Her Horrible Healthcare Record

Oct 25, 2018

Martha McSally is caught in a downward spiral of her own making, thanks to her multiple votes to weaken protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions.

On the campaign trail yesterday, McSally got into a heated argument with reporters who dared to confront her about her record. Instead of owning up to her votes against pre-existing conditions, McSally demanded that they “talk about the things that matter to most voters.” (Reminder: healthcare is the number one issue for voters this cycle.)

Watch McSally break down and lash out over her healthcare record:

Watch the full clip here, and read more on McSally’s pre-existing conditions pickle below.

Politico: GOP alarmed Obamacare attacks could cost them the House
Bloomberg: Clash on Health Care Takes Center Stage in Arizona Senate Race
Roll Call: McSally Defends Health Care Record in Testy Media Exchange
The Ringer: The Senate Race in Arizona Is All About the Biggest Issue of the Midterm Elections
AZ Family: McSally claiming she’s leading fight to protect pre-existing conditions

Published: Oct 25, 2018

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