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Thursday, Aug 24 2017

QUICK CLIP: Ralston on Morning Joe: "Heller could easily lose that primary"

Aug 24, 2017

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe this morning, journalist Jon Ralston discussed Nevada Senate candidates Dean Heller and Danny Tarkanian’s rush to cozy up to Donald Trump and weighed in on Heller’s tough road in the primary. A few key moments from the interview:

  • “The only person who has worse numbers in Nevada than Donald Trump is Dean Heller.”
  • Heller and Tarkanian are “engaged in an incredible contest of oneupmanship almost everyday to show who loves Donald Trump more.”
  • “Dean Heller could easily lose that primary.”
  • “Republicans in Washington and here are fearful [Tarkanian’s] going to win that primary and lose them that senate seat.”

Watch the interview.

Published: Aug 24, 2017

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