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Monday, May 14 2018

QUICK CLIP: Nicholson & Vukmir Scandals Overshadow Wisconsin GOP Convention

May 14, 2018

The Republican Party of Wisconsin held their annual convention this weekend, ostensibly to bestow a candidate for U.S. Senate with the party’s endorsement. But what should have been a moment for party unity turned nasty under the shadow of scandals plaguing the two Senate frontrunners.

Milwaukee’s WITI was on the scene as Leah Vukmir won the party’s endorsement with 72% of the vote. But Vukmir’s victory was short lived as the controversy over a campaign release in which she compared U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin to a terrorist persisted. Meanwhile, Kevin Nicholson’s shameful attacks on veterans took the air out of his campaign’s feigned apathy about his convention defeat.

Rather than heading into the remainder of the primary united, Wisconsin Republicans will be increasingly forced to reckon with an uninspiring slate of Senate candidates. U.S. Senator Ron Johnson said it best: “I’m just pointing out the history — where we’ve had a knock-down drag-out primary, the results haven’t been all that good.”

Here’s WITI covering Nicholson and Vukmir’s scandals — not the GOP convention:

Watch the full clip here.

Published: May 14, 2018

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